About Me

Who am I?
Hi, this is Richard. I grew up with our family dog since I was 6. It was a Yorkie mix named Po. That dog disappeared one day because my father said it was "too naughty". In 1989, I had my own personal dog, a Maltese. I told myself to train this dog from day one to make sure what happened to Po would never happen again.
In 1990, a show breeder saw how I trained my dog and offered me one of his puppies to train and handle. I had my first Best in Show in 1991 with this puppy. I was then given another dog by a trainer I met during a dog show to train for obedience competitions, which I won shortly after.
That is how I started my dog training journey.
What is my training philosophy?
My first priority as a dog trainer is to coach and inspire my human client to be the best leader and handler they can be.
I believe in being as soft as I can be but as firm as I need to be while developing undivided engagement, solid impulse control, and a mutually respectful relationship with each and every dog that I have the privilege to work with.
By focusing on equipping both parties with easy-to-master skill sets along with establishing solid trust, respect, and confidence between the human and the dogs is how we can consistently deliver transferable, reliable, and long lasting results to thousands of clients for almost 3 decades.

What do I have to offer?
My company is called Perfect Companion because I firmly believe that all dogs can be taught to behave like a perfect companion.
Do not give up if your dog lunges, barks, and growls at every dogs and people on the walk, chews everything in sight and barks non-stop after you are gone, will not stop dragging you down the road, growls, barks, and lunges at your visitors, etc.
I have met owners who cannot invite any guest over, cannot take their dogs to any public places, cannot leave their dogs alone in their homes for any length of time. I have seen dry wall being chewed through, entire bedroom being ripped apart, back seat being shredded into pieces, floor with a giant hole dug in the middle. I have met dogs who will constantly attack other dogs unprovoked, and worked with many who have bitten their family members as well as strangers fiercely resulting in very serious injuries.
Good news is I have also seen thousands of these challenging dogs transformed right in front of my eyes. I have witnessed thousands of clients living a much happier life with their dogs. That is how I know rehabilitation is definitely possible. That is how I know your dogs can be your perfect companions even if they do not act like one now.
If you are struggling with your dog and you want to see real transformations, please book a consultation now so you can start living a happier life with your dog without any further delay.
Looking forward to working with you. Thank you very much.